Wow! I’m thrilled to announce that The Devil To Pay is a 2019 RITA finalist in the Historical Romance category! Hurray! (For those of you not au fait with Romancelandia, that’s a bit like getting nominated for the Oscars!) I’m amazed and delighted.
February Newsletter Giveaway contest
This month’s giveaway prize is THREE signed books: The Devil To Pay (by yours truly), a SIGNED copy of Eloisa James’ This Duchess of Mine, and a SIGNED copy of Theresa Romain’s It Takes Two to Tangle. Plus there’s a locket diffuser necklace, a pink rose and cameo bookmark, and some handmade rose soap!
HOWTO ENTER? There are three ways to enter the giveaway:
1: Amazon: Follow K. C. Bateman on Amazon:
2: Goodreads: Add This Earl Of Mine to your ‘Want to Read’ list.
3: Bookbub: Add This Earl of Mine to your ‘wishlist’.
Be to leave me a comment below to let me know you’ve entered! (Comments might take a day to show up.)
Each follow on the above sites counts for one entry, so if you follow on all three you’ll have three chances to win! As ever, this contest is open worldwide, and will close March 16th. Winner will be drawn at random. Good luck!
This Earl Of Mine – Cover Reveal and Preorder
It’s here! Ladies and gents, may I present the gorgeous cover of my next release, This Earl Of Mine, the first book in my new Bow Street Bachelors series. I’m so excited for you to meet Georgie and Benedict!
What’s it all about, you ask? Well . . .
Desperate heiress forces condemned criminal into hasty marriage. Said criminal turns out to be undercover Bow Street investigator and all-round rogue Benedict Wylde.
Marriage in Newgate prison? Check
Enemies to lovers trope? Check.
Some really terrible poetry (though not from our hero)? Check.
Foiling a plot to rescue Napoleon from St Helena? Check
Sexytimes in a submarine? (Yes, I said submarine.) Check.
If that’s tickled your fancy, it’s available for PREORDER now! (Both ebook and print.)
Here’s the landing page with all the links.
Some lovely early reviews:
“Dashing, daring, and deliciously romantic!” — USA Today bestselling author Caroline Linden
“Delicious, witty, and ripping good fun! Kate Bateman’s writing sparkles.” — USA Today bestselling author Laura Lee Guhrke
“A riveting new voice for Regency readers! Kate Bateman is now on my auto-buy list.” — Janna MacGregor, author of The Good, the Bad, and the Duke
Upcoming Author Event: Highlanders and Hoydens.
The fabulous and beautiful Suzan Tisdale and I will be at the Marquette Heights Library, Illinois on February 12, 2019. It’s a rather informal night talking about Highlanders and Hoydens! We’ll be discussing our newest and upcoming books, writing, romance, history, and a host of other things. The event is free and open to the public. There will be giveaways and swag. I hope you can join us!
Marquette Heights Public Library

January 2019 Exclusive Giveaway for Newsletter subscribers!
This month’s exclusive giveaway for my newsletter subscribers includes lots of lovely swag that I picked up at the Historical Romance Retreat back in September.
Want a chance to win THREE signed books plus a lovely charm bracelet, cool HR tote bag, and lots of gorgeous swag? Prize includes a SIGNED copy of The Devil To Pay, a signed copy of The Duke and I by Julia Quinn, plus a signed copy of Passion Favors the Bold by Theresa Romain, plus scented candle, necklace, cameo, tea sachets, coasters, sample chapter booklets and more! To enter the draw, simply follow me on any of the social media review sites like BookBub, Amazon or Goodreads (or all three!) using the links below, then leave me a comment below to let me know you’ve entered the draw. Simple!
This contest is open to entrants WORLDWIDE, and will close on Valentine’s Day, Feb 14th, 2019. I’ll randomly choose a winner from all the entrants. GOOD LUCK!
Follow Kate on:
P.S Don’t worry if your comment doesn’t show up right away below – I have to approve all comments (to avoid spam)! Thanks! Kate
Barbara Vey’s weekend 2019 Attending Author
Very excited to announce that I will be one of the attending authors at next year’s Barbara Vey weekend in Wisconsin! I can’t wait to see everyone!
Are you going to be in the WI area in April 2019? Check out the Barbara Vey Reader Appreciation Weekend! With the pizza party, games, author Q&A, the author/reader luncheon, and author/reader breakfast, you’re sure to have a great time! #BVW19
Discover the wonderful list of authors here
Tickets on sale December 7, 2018 at midnight!
Sale Alert my lovelies! I’ve been so busy finishing by latest manuscript I almost forgot to post this; my Renaissance romp, The Devil To Pay is ON SALE for ONE WEEK ONLY at 99c!
There’s room in your life for a snarky Italian mercenary and the girl who drives him crazy. Go forth and one-click!
Barnes & Noble:
#1 Bestseller A Raven’s Heart turns two!
My #1 Amazon Bestseller ‘A Raven’s Heart’ is two years old today. Happy Book Birthday Raven and Heloise! Keep driving each other crazy. #Bestseller #Regency #spies #CodeBreaker
‘A Counterfeit Heart’ wins 2018 Book Buyer’s Best contest – Best Historical Romance
Thrilled to announce that ‘A Counterfeit Heart’ (Secrets & Spies Series #3) has won first place in the 2018 Book Buyer’s Best contest for Best Historical Romance. Hurray! Congratulations Richard and Sabine, you sneaky, saucy couple!
Sale Alert: A Counterfeit Heart is $1.99 until Sept 29th!
Sale Alert! A Counterfeit Heart is only $1.99 right now until September 29th! If you’re a fan of my badasses in bodices and sexy aristocratic heroes, go grab yourself a copy. Part of my ‘Secrets & Spies’ series, this one features Sabine de la Tour, counterfeiter extraordinaire, and Richard Hampden, they cynical spy out to thwart her every move. Hurrah!
P.S It’s a standalone book -you don’t have to have read the other books in he series to enjoy this one, (although a couple of familiar characters do make an appearance!)